Are you new to Zurich or have you moved to a different neighborhood?

Find out what public transport options there are in your new area. Simply enter your address (including your house number) and we’ll show you your closest transport stops and the lines you’ll use most often


to Zurich

Would you like to find out how well connected your new home is to the public transport network? We’ll show you a brief and concise overview of which stops and lines are close by.

Enter your address above and you’ll see which stops are nearby and which public transport lines they are served by. You’ll also find out how long it will take you to reach certain hotspots in the city of Zurich using public transport.

The links at the bottom will help you find the most important information regarding using public transport in Zurich. We look forward to welcoming you on board.


With Zurich Public Transport (VBZ) as part of the Zurich Transport Association (ZVV), you’ll reach your destination in the city and canton of Zurich easily and quickly. All thanks to the efficient transport network and regular timetable.

Online timetable

Using the online timetable, you can find the best connections using the tram, bus and train. Not only for the city of Zurich and the ZVV region, but for the whole of Switzerland.

Stop timetables

The stop timetables show you all the lines and departure times at your chosen stop. You can also print them out and hang them up.


The VBZ transport network links over 400 stops with more than 280 kilometres of track and roads. You’ll usually find your closest stop is less than 300 metres away.

ZVV passes and tickets

VBZ is part of the Zurich Transport Association. One advantage of this is that your ticket is valid on all ZVV modes of transport. Find out what else we have to offer.


If you have any queries about public transport, our specialists at ZVV Contact or in our four information centres will be happy to help you.

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